Let's Go on a Ramble in the Garden
the promise of Spring . . .
"when tulips burst through soil and beach stone in the garden/
to blossom yellow and red like starfish" . . .
May Day -- a day signifying hope and rebirth.
May into June
We had unusually cold weather in May . . . in the 50's during the day, and the temperature descends even lower in the evening to the 40's . . . inland and north, in Nashua, there has been frost. So everything is one week or ten days behind. We have had rain almost every day, however, so our resevoirs are refilled and the garden loves rain. It is now June 20th, and I am uploading images of how the flowerbeds have emerged after six weeks of rain . . . it continues to rain every other day, and is unseasonably cold . . .
![cassadyeyesopen.jpg](https://wesingfire.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/cassadyeyesopen.jpg) Cassady was born on Martha's Vineyard . . .
and moved "off island" as a kitten with Kristin
His Wampanoag name is "Gray Feather"
named for the whisp of gray on his chest.
He talks . . . and so Mark named him after
Cassady, Kerouac's talking hipster friend .
(below) a cat's eye view of the garden looking towards the front lawn, south-facing, and Pleasant Street
The garden is coming alive with Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Marsh Marigold, and seedlings of nasturtium, morning glories and more . . .
Lady's Mantle leaves, fern leaves uncurling
and I have planted pansies and parsley.
left rose bushes
sprout new leaves
right and below:
Cassady digs for a mole:
The Appletree Flowerbed
apple tree blossom
about to burst
under our diningroom window
Bleeding Hearts
sprouting, unfolding
the violets below are a delicate purply blue
and were transplanted from the Lee Mansion Garden
The squirrels have occupied
the bird feeders and I can't
figure out any method to
keep them out . . they are
"expert generalists" and
have studied engineering at M.I.T.
This plant is a "May Apple";
it grows one blossom which first
appears like a small bright green apple,
then becomes this delicated white flower.
After this, it does nothing all summer.
This plant was transferred from
the Lee Mansion 18th century gardens
an early bloomer
is one of the Native New England plants
I have nurtured . . . others include the
"Marsh Marigold" which has already gone by
The blossom is furled, waiting to be
unfurled (standing upright like a vessel's mast)
before the planter
Siberian Iris are the next to blossom,
after the rhododendron and azalea have gone by . . .
just three delicate and esquisite flowers
grace the rear of the appletree flowerbed
(below) leaving the appletree flowerbed
Leaving the flowerbed, we follow the squirrel
and walk the path in a southwesterly direction
towards the birdbath . . .
(below) Meadow Rue (Thalictrum Aquilegifolium)
manifests clouds of delicate purple blossoms in Early Spring
purple haze . . .
the same plant in bloom
photo taken
from the opposite direction
looking back towards
the apple tree flowerbed
The SUV Flowerbed . . .
there's an SUV in my garden,
the following photos
chronicle how this flowerbed
grows during May & June
Pansies with Cassady, the cat
(below) hints of things to come
the hyacinths are pink
left and below
spring parsley
front lawn rolling towards
Pleasant Street facing East/Northeast
towards Oldtown
(below) the same view in late July
Suddenly Summer . . .
June into July
By June 20th,
the appletree flowerbed
has grown lush . . .
the iris is 3 feet tall
and appeared out of
the leafy branches
of the bleeding hearts plant
the bearded iris, flag iridaceae
(Iris Germanica)
By July 1st,
the bearded iris shown here,
and the Siberian Iris
have all gone by . . .
By July 16th, the appletree goddess
carries her midsummer gear with grace
as she hikes her way through Summer
By June 20th, the SUV flowerbed
is flourishing . . .
the Cranesbill geranium is in full blossom . . .
phlox, roses & shasta daisies take form;
the dahlia and lily bulbs
are 18" - 24" high
By July 16th, the SUV flowerbed is alive
with blossoming roses, lilies,
bee balm and nasturtium . . . . the phlox and
morning glories are about to blossom
SUV flowerbed time capsule . . .
Lily bud to full bloom in less than a fortnight
"roses with their perfumed oils/
are sea-reaching . . . " .
portrait of
Daisy, looking out
into the Apple Tree
we live on a 5-acre estate . . . unusual
to have this amount of space in Marblehead
There's a woodchuck family living under
the woodpile, and a red fox and a coyote have
been seen at separaate times loping across
the property. Cassady successfully hunts
for mice and moles on a daily basis.
Nick is the full-time woodcutter . . . his stacks of logs
are perfectly ordered by size, arranged symmetrically,
waiting for the winter . . .