Outside the ring,
you can see the edge of the star,
One Black Princess Taro luminous,
massive, located just outside,
sort of heart-shaped with black
and its pronounced pillars.
I dreamt a water-lily and several other stars
that grow among morning-glory galaxies . . .
Add some real shadows from sublime-forms
along fertilizing river of galactic light . . .
I reach up out of the rocks in shallow water
to "pot" my lilies in your Earthly bog.
One tuber, a 4" x 4"-- and I rooted its work
with down-drafts of white light
to make your Water Garden.
What is included in my websites
water garden package?
The English common name is "daylily",
whilst the botanical name is "hemerocallis."
1 blue-green, 1 yellow, 1 pink
all Earthly forms sublime.
Plants are shipped bare-rooted;
just tie with fishing line and toss them in!
Directions for underwater plants and grasses
by e-mail.
Aspirations, dreams, labor of love,
rain down and germinate up;
their blossom-colors sort of blend
and make the edge of the star.
I am God--call me "Pond-Girl"
located about 6,500 light-years
from where you kneel and weed
in your perennial bed
and I specialize in start-ups.
Try this Primrose Creeper--
it has exotic unprecedented detail.
Through an extraordinary chance alignment,
the Hubble Telescope has captured its
utmost tropical ambiance.
For your watergarden,
if you choose to create one
I would!
helpful Primrose Creeper,
blocking sunlight
using excess nutrients for algae growth..
beneficial, Primrose Creeper beautifies.
Hornwort or Ceratophyllum demersum
or "Coontail" spreads Fernlike,
is an underwater floater and
really helps combat green water.
If you are having trouble with your pond water
turning green, you need this plant!!!
It grows below the surface
consuming excess nutrients and starving algae out.
Anchor the Hornwort
with rock and sink in the bottom!
Sorry, I can't ship to California.
I water. My newest nebulae stars
are topped off with light green
and semi-upright knobs on the upper left.
Make more ponds, Pond-Girl!
Return BODY to your water humdrum,
create a looking area in your leaves
on branches that bulb!
Among leafy branches
I spot the hardy pale view of a face--
Charlene Strawn, Astronomer--
who was born on the day of
The Annual Infinity Marsh Reed Festival.
Make more stars, Pond-Girl!
They do not need to be planted in a pot,
just anchor them to the bank
or to the bottom of Space ( )
with a piece of Jet-Stream fishing line
to keep them in place.
When stars grow too big,
just trim them with scissors.
Outside the ring,
you can see the edge of my star;
the Crab Nebulae is not my first start-up.
It has dark from Earth,
and drinks four-leaf water --
that's its gustatory practice,
followed by Cantatas of Goldfinch drums
during Spring Try-out Season.
The edge of my Star
shoots out locations of many of these features,
as well as look!
It blooms on . . . in support of the universe!
Hardy annual Scarlet Gleam Nasturtium
is vivid for shady-water light-years.
Though much more analysis remains,
an initial look at Hubble Telescope images
indicates the Milky Way Galaxy's hub,
my Tabernaculum (formal)
my hang-out (informal).
(See colorful picture at right. )
Note the hubs sword-like leaves and
how tall its monumental form,
the wettest and hottest star-site
and most massive known,
each aspect is unusual
like an unpublished, transcendental poem
or an early luminist painting.
The deep violet stems of its star-flesh
contrast with huge sienna-hued spice-clouds,
remnants of a universal window-drape,
my unfinished weaving.
Like a Hollyhock
whose stalk penetrates the earth
between two bricks
on the sidewalk,
my stars pillars will stick up and out --Black Magic Taro.
Colocasia esculenta pollen
jettison off during the delicate clustering
of lavender flowers my star produces . . .
Evaporate! . . .
or if there are sufficiently dense condensations
within them, on my starry surface
will spring Thalia and Red Stem
10 times more variegated than
our Earth ponds flora and fauna.
This Lily will spice a cloud with its yellow.
This Lily appears to point towards the Crab Nebula ;
its lily petals compose the remnant
of my universe window-drape
and has green round stems.
At about 3 oclock on the celestial chart
from Earth in the direction
of the southern hemisphere constellation,
I planted A Great Black Hole
whose supermassive nothingness
adapts to all sizes of light-years,
a Great Black Hole so black and so hot,
it could be summer afternoon meadow
in the Northeast Kingdom, Vermont
with spectacular White blooms of nothingness.
My Great Black Hole is a Brass French Horn
and favors the idea of celestial music
a Horn blowing titanic black variations
blowing selected Leadbelly blues
Mingus jazz hues depending
on the amount of small spiral galaxies
I give birth to
small spiral galaxies lying precisely in front
. . . an interesting level for the eye to follow.
I won the Award for Applied Photography.
for my Golden Gelatin Print of a clay pot
filled with Wild Clover 100 times enhanced.
See my star I call "Black Magic".
Wow! What a looker! Gardens or bogs,
plant this Orchid where the Great Black Hole
resides in scarlet flowers and dark green plants.
All the hubbub Universe
appears as massive, late summer, Variegated Bog Spider.
Of another star
I will it to grow
clusters of three petaled
white flowers with deep blue spikes!
while you ride singing wooden water-wheel,
hub of water-garden
or float gracefully
like a yellow daisy.
out its confluence of currents
Through extraordinary chance alignment,
the Hubble telescope captures
a face-on spiral galaxy
lying precisely in front of another larger spiral.
The unique pair isProvidential!
Outside the ring
you can see the edge of the star,
One Black Princess Taro luminous,
massive star located just outside!
The best celestial views
taken by the Hubbles visible-light camera
are showing numerous small dark globules
that may be a foot tall. Very statuesque holes.
Your variegated Bog Spider would be welcome
in the mass of swirling gas
be in luck look! Wonderful Star Grasslooks most like traditional Greek Hydra.
The planet of Epsilon Eridani is probably
just larger than Jupiter,
Epsilon Eridani is a star slightly less massive
than Earths Sun and slightly cooler.
It is most probably younger as well,
being only about one billion years old
compared with your Sun's age of 4.5bn years.
Furthermore, each planet
becomes more and more beautiful
from one year to the other. A single planet can stay
4-5 years or more, undisturbed.
I can also divide a planet
when I want to make a larger planting,
give some as fans to your best friends . . .
This picture is one of velvety green leaves
giving it mysterious star cluster appearance.
The Carina background image represents
a wider view of the galaxy,
with ponds.
2 Green Taros- Lush tropical summer months
with exquisite pure white and lovely essence.
1 Thalia Geniculata form ruminoides
This striking planet stays moist always . . .From this planet comes the process of maroon "eyes"
at the base of Emperor Nasturtium
This edible native-like grass
grows on up-slopes of steep hills
It has lily-like bloom, will grow up to Sun height.
The circular Keyhole Lily Star NebulaHymenocallis caribe variegata
nearby galaxy NGC 4438.
NASA asked astronomers and planet hunters
to capture and reproduce these stars.
By the central region of Keyhole Lily
Star Nebula and its lofty eminence
where starry ridge forms buffalo shape,
astronomers calculate their starlight strength
in weight of quintals like baskets measured
of Atlantic mackerel haddock and cod.
quintals of starlight times the mass
of our collective thoughts =
Keyhole Lily planets form stellar pond
and gather sunlight.
On a smaller scale, my garden Keyhole Lily
has small white petals and flowers in May
and 2 to 24 spiraling leaves-on-stem.
The Stellar field spinning further
I water my planet
grow 5 to 6 more stars in my smaller galactic collectives,
plant 1 Green Goddess Taro
for shady water garden lushness,
even time itself is imagined--
Just keep your feet on the petals.
the virtues of composting!
how to plant a tree for the long haul!
read between the lines of seed catalogues!
the secrets of my green thumb!
By the time of Napoleon in the 19th century,
there are more apothecaries on the main street of Provins!
Druggists dispense remedies
containing the Apothecarys Rose
to aid indigestion, sore throats,
skin rashes and eye maladies.
Women believe that rose petals
eliminate wrinkles and preserve youth
if rubbed on the skin.
(It was proven, late in the 19th century,
roses contain essential oils, potassium and iron.)
A recipe for rose tea comes from this era.
Translated: 5 teaspoons of rose petals
are steeped in 4 cups of boiling water
for 5 to 10 minutes; then sweetened
with honey and served warm.¹
Rose Apples contain several dark silhouetted
glossy green leaves and splendid hips ;
as for your fishheads, mussels and seaweed,
work them into your garden soil
one hot August dog day and pot the cuttings,
just anchor them in sand and shell shards.
Tie your fishing line to protruding nailhead
on second story sill to support leggy climbers.
About 10 times as hot, are my exoplanets
found recently by Manchester astronomers,
its just as well to look
nine more spotted circling nearby stars.
These helpful planets until now, appeared in only one system, Upsilon Andromidae
multiple planets going round a sun.
UK astronomers report the discovery of
a second extra-solar planetary system.
with two Saturn-sized planets orbiting star HD 83443,
slightly less massive than your Sun
(0.8 solar masses).
It lies in my constellation Vela
141 light years away from your solar system.
My two gas-giant planets both orbit very close to the star.
One orbits the star in 2.98 days, the other in 29.8 days,
one planet moving almost 10 times faster than the other.
massive in scale . . .
stars are born . . . in clouds of cold molecules and dust,
As well as being beneficial, they decorate the pond edge . . .
the universe, my pond . . .
stars need an open place to spawn.
I toss them into place.